فارسی عربي

iFilm's exclusive with Nasser Taqvaee

Iranian renowned director Nasser Taqvaee has done an exclusive interview with iFilm.

Iranian renowned director Nasser Taqvaee has done an exclusive interview with iFilm on his cinematic issues in Iran.

Below is a rough translation of selected parts from the interview conducted by iFilm in Persian:

iFilm: You have been standing aloof from making movies due to many reasons for a while, perhaps you are taking a more comprehensive look at current issues in art. From your perspective, what is the main predicament of Iran Cinema?

Taqvaee: Either intentionally or not, these days, I have been drifted away from the world of film making. However, I am monitoring Iran Cinema and young cinema enthusiasts every second. The main problem in Cinema can be due to a lack of critique in this area.

iFilm: But, today our critics are heard more than before and they have a great deal of platforms.

Taqvaee: Technically you are right; however, one should consider the fact that the word “critique” has a broader sense. We are dealing with a larger range of critics, though there are not many good critics around.

For instance, during the life time of noted Iranian poet Nima Yooshij and when the “New Poetry” was an issue at hand, several distinguished critics were against the poet. Such debate shed more light on “New Poetry”. Critics are those who raise the public awareness with their critiques.

iFilm: Since you mentioned in your response that you are following up young people in Cinema, do the works of young film makers look promising to you?

Taqvaee: They are really promising. Giving that young people have been in touch with cinematic communities, they stand out.  Iran Cinema has found its way in a perfect way. For that matter, the international community eagerly follows up Iran Cinema. A generation with superficial outlook in Iran Cinama exist no more or at most, they are far and few in between. Even those directors interested in making movies for the box office still have a fresh approach.

The young generation has the privilege to see the works done my directors at my day and age. They can work with more ease .

iFilm: From your viewpoint, what is the most notable week point of young filmmakers?

Tqvaee: These days, the youth in Cinema are focused on the technical part. I think a good movie script is the missing link. Our contemporary literature, especially after the Revolution needs to be improved. My contemporary directors, including Dariush Mehrjui and Ali Hatami, were not alike. We did not make similar movies. Our young filmmakers should be more involved with this land’s ancient literature which is of significance. In so doing, our authors and scriptwriters will gain more experience.

iFilm: With respect to your interest in literature and poetry reflected in your talk, what topic would you choose to make a movie on, if things are ready to do so?   

I would really love to make a movie on Nima Yooshij; I believe our art has been greatly inspired by his works. Hopefully, one day a young filmmaker will direct a movie on the poet and I will be watching it.  



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